أرشيف لـ فبراير 2018

التصميم الجرافيكي

التصميم الجرافيكي نظرة عامة يتميز مصممو الجرافيك في حل المشكلات بصرياً والالتزام بالمواعيد المحددة لتسليم المشاريع وإنتاج تصاميم أصلية ضمن الميزانيات المتوفرة والعمل مع مختلف التقنيات المتعددة. وتزود هذه البرامج الطلاب و الطالبات ببيئة مهنية مفعمة بهذه التحديات والمهارات المختلفة. فوائد البرنامج معامل تصميم ومعامل أجهزة كمبيوتر مجهزة بأحدث نظم برمجيات التصميم الجرافيكي التركيز على…

إقرأ المزيد

Diploma Small Business Management

Small Business Management Small Business Management Overview The Small Business Management program provides an opportunity to explore all areas of entrepreneurship including business development and management. This program is designed for students who thrive in fast-paced professional environments and wish to make a positive economic contribution to their community and beyond. Program advantages Practical, on-the-job…

إقرأ المزيد

Events operations & planning

Events operations & planning Events operations & planning Overview The Event Management program provides comprehensive training, builds professional competencies and develops project management techniques for a multi-faceted event industry. This program is designed to prepare students for an exciting career in event management with transferable skills such as planning and logistics, marketing strategies and risk…

إقرأ المزيد

Occupational Health & Safety

Occupational Health & Safety Occupational Health & Safety Overview There is a growing concern for the safety of people in their work environment and the related hazards that may be found there. This Occupational Health and Safety program offers solid training in the required practices of this field, in addition to a management component that…

إقرأ المزيد